51.   Some experts contend that the withering of competition between cable and phone companies does not, by itself, doom the prospects for competition.

52.   Some gang experts contend that problems start at the college level, where schools recruit student-athletes with questionable pasts and expect them to change overnight.

53.   Some welfare policy experts contend that family-cap laws help promote individual responsibility and discourage welfare recipients from having more children than they can support.

54.   Some experts contend that little girls who participate in such pageants are being oversexualized and not allowed to develop normally.

55.   Some experts contend that many chief executives are simply riding the roaring bull market to mammoth paydays.

56.   Some industry experts contend that the SBC-Pacific Telesis deal will enhance, not impede, competition.

57.   Some medical-records experts contend that electronic medical data may be easier to safeguard.

58.   Some patent experts contend that Einstein might be able to, thanks to a recent ruling by the federal U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Washington.

59.   So some experts contend that USSB ought to consider a merger now, before DirecTV gets more ambitious.

60.   Some experts contend the NCAA has no business getting involved on the medical front.

n. + contend >>共 627
critic 8.29%
official 6.96%
prosecutor 5.29%
government 4.73%
lawyer 2.89%
group 2.73%
company 2.47%
defense 2.42%
suit 2.27%
opponent 2.09%
expert 1.87%
expert + v. >>共 358
say 44.77%
be 4.04%
believe 3.76%
agree 3.11%
warn 2.16%
predict 1.71%
expect 1.10%
think 0.98%
suggest 0.97%
see 0.84%
contend 0.37%
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