critic contend 24.56   Critics contend it will antagonize Russia.
  official contend 20.61   But Colombian officials contend otherwise.
  prosecutor contend 15.67   Prosecutors contend it was premeditated murder.
  government contend 14.02   All for nothing, the French government contends.
  lawyer contend 8.56   His lawyers contend he suffers from sexual sadism.
  group contend 8.10   Three armed groups are contending for power.
  company contend 7.31   U.S. companies are now contending for a share.
  defense contend 7.18   The defense contended that Fleiss was entrapped.
  suit contend 6.71   That, the suit contends, constitutes a monopoly.
  opponent contend 6.19   Opponents contend otherwise.
  analyst contend 5.53   Other analysts contend earnings are the problem.
  expert contend 5.53   Both experts now contend that the scheme was a hoax.
  lawsuit contend 4.87   That makes the guidelines racially biased, the lawsuit contends.
  administration contend 4.61   Administration contends Saddam weakened by strikes.
  leader contend 4.34   Religious leaders must contend with abortion as a legal option.
  prosecution contend 4.28   The prosecution contends Wang did not do that.
  advocate contend 4.21   Advocates contend that the project was flawed.
  democrat contend 4.21   Democrats contend they just wanted fairness.
  attorney contend 4.02   His attorneys contend that they are not.
  supporter contend 3.95   Supporters contend he was framed by racist police.
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