51.   Competition director John Roake was quoted as saying pilot error caused the disintegration of the Nimbus Four.

52.   The deputy president of the Navarre autonomous government, Rafael Gurrea said human error probably caused the tragedy.

53.   The inspectors will examine the catamaran and try to establish whether human error caused the accident.

n. + cause >>共 1473
rain 1.85%
attack 1.21%
problem 1.17%
disease 1.11%
explosion 1.03%
bomb 0.96%
drug 0.95%
storm 0.92%
blast 0.92%
virus 0.88%
error 0.38%
error + v. >>共 195
be 34.41%
occur 12.82%
cause 4.38%
result 3.80%
lead 2.98%
give 2.48%
cost 1.82%
allow 1.57%
come 1.24%
make 1.08%
每页显示:    共 53