1.   The bomb caused at least one death, and several serious injuries.

2.   The bomb caused serious damage to the building, but there were no casualties.

3.   In separate incidents in November a journalist was shot dead and bombs caused damage to the Istanbul offices of ANAP.

4.   The fire bombs had certainly caused major disruption, and some damage, but nothing like the devastation intended by the terrorists.

5.   A two thousand pound bomb has caused twenty million pounds damage at forensic laboratories in Ulster used to investigate terrorism.

6.   His bomb would have caused enormous damage and more importantly, could have killed anyone in the area.

7.   An analysis after the Dhahran bombing by two leading security experts suggests that the Air Force team underestimated the damage that a relatively small bomb could cause.

8.   Another federal official said on Thursday night that investigators were closer to concluding that a bomb caused the explosion.

9.   -- Each bomb caused the same kind of devastation at each site.

10.   But it also presents a significant reason why federal investigators insist the trace evidence does not provide solid proof that a bomb caused the plane to crash.

n. + cause >>共 1473
rain 1.85%
attack 1.21%
problem 1.17%
disease 1.11%
explosion 1.03%
bomb 0.96%
drug 0.95%
storm 0.92%
blast 0.92%
virus 0.88%
bomb + v. >>共 323
explode 33.76%
go 15.10%
be 10.12%
hit 3.38%
fall 3.01%
kill 2.42%
cause 2.24%
destroy 2.10%
damage 1.92%
blow 1.70%
每页显示:    共 132