51.   In some areas, such as heart operations and cancer treatment, there are delays that can cost lives or make more extensive treatment necessary.

52.   It also dramatically illustrated the security breakdown that cost the life of the Israeli prime minister.

53.   Never before had Napoleon suffered such a defeat, which cost the life of one of his best generals.

54.   Officials said the Europeans agreed with Washington the starting point of any peace initiative must be an end to the day-to-day violence that is costing many lives every day.

55.   Once the winds and waves are up, such an attempt could cost you life.

56.   Qulle charged that the United Nations and non-governmental organizations involved in the relief were poorly coordinated, which was costing lives.

57.   Silajdzic accused the international community of inaction that has cost the lives of Bosnians, as well as U.N. peacekeepers.

58.   Soldiers returning from Chechnya have said chaos is costing unnecessary lives.

59.   Supporters of municipal lawsuits against gun manufacturers argued Tuesday that the litigation would make guns safer, while opponents said such suits actually would cost lives.

60.   TEL AVIV, Israel -- When an army reservist blundered into a West Bank traffic jam this week, the wrong turn nearly cost his life.

v. + life >>共 671
save 9.81%
live 4.34%
change 4.24%
face 2.72%
risk 2.57%
have 2.50%
take 2.50%
claim 2.46%
improve 1.89%
lose 1.85%
cost 0.50%
cost + n. >>共 402
money 10.63%
million 8.72%
hundred 7.53%
thousand 5.50%
job 4.90%
billion 4.57%
lot 4.42%
ten 3.48%
life 3.29%
company 2.21%
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