51.   It displayed particular concern over a possible closure of the Strait of Hormuz and a determination to take action to avoid this.

52.   Sensing a common concern over developments in the Gulf, the US offered direct military assistance in protecting Gulf oil traffic.

53.   The CDP also issued a statement expressing its increasing concern over recent years at the way the CNAA conducted quinquennial reviews.

54.   What about concerns over safety?

55.   UK hoteliers came under attack as the ETB, once again, expressed concern over the cost of telephone calls to guests, particularly to those from overseas.

56.   Macmillan himself, when he had made his decision to seek entry to the EEC, had recorded his growing concern over attitudes in the United States.

57.   There are renewed concerns over the safety of cling film following publication of a report by the government steering group on food surveillance.

58.   Concern over the bird population is further compounded by a report from the Nature Conservancy Council on the risks posed to seabirds by the North Sea Oil industry.

59.   Other former Eastern bloc countries also face growing concern over their ageing nuclear power stations.

60.   Since this represents only one per cent of projected capacity, it will not be of significant help in meeting concern over weapons production.

n. + over >>共 1357
concern 3.71%
dispute 3.58%
debate 3.01%
win 1.39%
battle 1.30%
controversy 1.10%
sovereignty 0.94%
authority 0.86%
fight 0.84%
difference 0.83%
concern + p. >>共 58
about 47.23%
over 18.71%
of 8.08%
in 5.58%
to 4.53%
among 4.12%
at 2.46%
with 1.93%
on 1.15%
by 1.06%
每页显示:    共 3535