concern about 590.92   I share your concern about this.
  concern over 234.10   What about concerns over safety?
  concern of 101.05   No concern of mine either.
  concern in 69.78   There was mounting concern in her voice.
  concern to 56.68   All these areas are of concern to the SEC.
  concern among 51.55   Concern among investors to avoid capital gains taxes.
  concern at 30.74   Debt is also a concern at Seagram.
  concern with 24.09   Tax was always a concern with him.
  concern on 14.42   I had some concerns on my mind.
  concern by 13.30   That may be the cause for concern by investors, she said.
  concern from 11.78   USAir, however, had expressed concerns from the start.
  concern as 9.41   Ed dismissed this concern as ridiculous.
  concern than 5.20   Money is more of a concern than danger.
  concern after 3.55   Shooting and rebounding were the concerns after last season.
  concern like 3.49   It examines family concerns like health, food and sports.
  concern during 3.16   Security will be a key concern during the visit.
  concern within 2.76   Public and government concern within eastern Europe is increasing.
  concern such_as 2.24   Concerns such as child care, legal rights, financial and medical assistance.
  concern because_of 2.17   But it still raises concerns because of the high toxicity of plutonium.
  concern before 1.65   That becomes their concern before winning.
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