51.   A bilateral commission was studying further agreements in mining, fishing, agriculture and health.

52.   European Commission President Jacques Santer said Thursday that the commission would study the US-Japanese trade agreement reached Wednesday.

53.   The tripartite commission has studied requests from various governments for the return of gold looted by the Nazis.

54.   Munir said the commission was also studying applications by at least three merchant banks to issue call warrants, a new financial instrument.

55.   The commission will study their authenticity before declaring his candidacy valid.

56.   The commission is studying ways of resuming aid to the most impoverished sectors of Nigerian society by using Non-governmental organisations to bypass official channels.

n. + study >>共 571
scientist 5.76%
government 5.22%
researcher 4.99%
student 4.60%
official 4.56%
time 3.94%
company 3.44%
commission 2.16%
group 2.01%
committee 1.89%
commission + v. >>共 810
say 10.82%
be 7.94%
have 4.60%
recommend 2.60%
find 2.14%
investigate 2.02%
decide 1.70%
meet 1.33%
make 1.24%
approve 1.15%
study 0.62%
每页显示:    共 56