commission say 64.19   The commission says it intends no such thing.
  commission be 47.07   And the commission is dead.
  commission have 27.25   But the commission had growing pains.
  commission recommend 15.40   The commission recommends to the government.
  commission find 12.71   Commission Finds Violations in Fla.
  commission investigate 11.98   A special commission was investigating.
  commission decide 10.07   The commission decided to split the complaint.
  commission meet 7.90   The commission never met.
  commission make 7.37   The commission did make one concession.
  commission approve 6.85   The commission approved the plan.
  commission take 6.45   The commission took the easier way.
  commission consider 6.25   The commission considered nine on Thursday.
  commission begin 6.19   The commission began work in August.
  commission give 5.86   The commission gave no casualty figures.
  commission rule 5.73   The commission ruled narrowly.
  commission propose 5.53   Instead, the commission proposed eliminating them.
  commission reject 5.27   The commission rejected that idea.
  commission vote 5.20   U.N. commission votes on China, Cuba.
  commission hold 5.13   Shapiro said the commission also held this view.
  commission conclude 5.07   The commission has now concluded its public hearings.
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