51.   Riot police again cleared a path for the motorcade, which inched on to the street under a shower of epithets and plastic bottles.

52.   Rothenberg drove to a store, where a path had been cleared to the entrance.

53.   Surgeons drilled the four holes, clearing a path to the putamen, a structure on each side of the brain that controls movement.

54.   That might have cleared his path to the record and tainted it at the same time.

55.   The agreement also could clear the path for an acquisition of Blue Cross.

56.   That self-imposed challenge includes clearing a path for the next phenom whose youthful uncertainty grows a field of red flags.

57.   The combined company already has made a move to divest one other potentially contentious holding to clear regulatory paths.

58.   The declaration simply clears the path so that those topics can be addressed.

59.   The government cannot compel investment, but it can clear the path of diplomatic and bureaucratic obstacles.

60.   The highly risky mission would clear a path for aircraft with pilots, saving them from danger.

v. + path >>共 323
cross 13.74%
follow 11.61%
block 7.88%
take 6.80%
clear 6.19%
choose 4.01%
find 2.27%
beat 1.98%
trace 1.46%
cut 1.13%
clear + n. >>共 1112
way 15.90%
name 4.92%
air 2.70%
area 2.51%
waiver 2.40%
road 2.31%
land 2.29%
throat 2.21%
path 1.67%
debris 1.57%
每页显示:    共 130