1.   My finger traces a path down to the peninsula of Grand Isle.

2.   On this basis, the possibility can be envisaged of tracing the paths of divergent theistic routes.

3.   That other story, likewise, traced the path from poverty to wealth and obscurity to fame.

4.   Through the binoculars, I traced the path I had taken the night before when following Victor.

5.   His fingers brushed lightly across her lips, tracing a path of flame that she felt even in the midst of her anger.

6.   Her blonde head dipped as she traced the path to get to the Colombian city.

7.   And while Olivier traced a path from willed numbness to empty, aching despair, Maher maintains the same belligerent pitch for much of the play.

8.   Daily Pop is an interactive tour map that traces the path of the tour and includes live weather updates and stadium capacity.

9.   Documents filed in the case trace the path of individual Jews from their arrest under signed orders by Lileikis to execution.

10.   Eight thematic exhibits and interactive kiosks trace the paths of African Americans from the auction block to equal rights.

v. + path >>共 323
cross 13.74%
follow 11.61%
block 7.88%
take 6.80%
clear 6.19%
choose 4.01%
find 2.27%
beat 1.98%
trace 1.46%
cut 1.13%
trace + n. >>共 660
root 4.40%
origin 4.40%
call 3.82%
history 2.83%
source 2.74%
problem 2.02%
money 1.44%
gun 1.39%
path 1.39%
ancestry 1.30%
每页显示:    共 31