41.   The labor leaders said they would soon initiate efforts to organize workfare participants in New York, New Jersey, Alaska, California and Maryland.

42.   The other side, led by Assembly Democrats, want workfare participants to be eligible for union membership.

43.   The problem is that until the labor movement convinces the public that workfare participants are like other workers, this organizing drive will be an uphill battle.

44.   The statement also says that the city should be able to take money designated for welfare benefits and use it to train workfare participants.

45.   The workfare participants sometimes interview welfare recipients, help run the records room, enter data into computers and translate Spanish or Russian.

46.   The workfare participants, they say, are in different job categories from city workers and do not perform much of the work ordinarily done by current city employees.

47.   This low pay, they say, gives cities incentives to use workfare participants to displace regular employees.

48.   Workfare participants have no unified or singular voice.

49.   Workfare participants seem to have an uneven, and often uneasy, relationship with regular city employees.

n. + participant >>共 216
market 38.26%
conference 9.88%
summit 4.16%
study 3.94%
workfare 3.64%
plan 1.71%
trial 1.63%
rally 1.56%
survey 1.49%
forum 1.41%
workfare + n. >>共 55
program 22.63%
participant 20.16%
job 6.17%
worker 5.76%
assignment 4.12%
requirement 3.70%
laborer 2.88%
recipient 2.88%
slot 2.88%
employee 2.47%
每页显示:    共 49