41.   Press reports earlier Monday said four members of the Algerian security forces and two Islamic extremists were killed in weekend clashes.

42.   She also condemned acts of violence by students against the police and the public during weekend clashes that erupted following the killing of the student.

43.   The authorities in Gibraltar have promised tough action against drug and cigarette traffickers after weekend clashes between police and demonstrators.

44.   The demonstration, called by the Chamber of Commerce, came after weekend clashes between authorities and demonstrators protesting the confiscation of a speedboat used in trafficking.

n. + clash >>共 273
culture 13.41%
border 10.31%
personality 8.54%
weekend 4.88%
week 2.22%
group 1.44%
year 1.22%
police 1.00%
second-round 1.00%
morning 0.89%
weekend + n. >>共 1636
meeting 3.35%
game 2.27%
election 1.81%
trip 1.64%
series 1.63%
talk 1.51%
rain 1.46%
summit 1.40%
visit 1.31%
attack 1.11%
clash 0.56%
每页显示:    共 44