41.   Refrigerated turkey should be used within two to three days.

42.   Refrigerate if not using within an hour.

43.   Select carefully, and plan to use them within two days.

44.   State health officials in New Jersey said there was no data available to determine how often, if at all, the procedure was used within the state.

45.   Sugar softens and gets sticky in humidity, so store your creations in a cool, dry place and use them within two days.

46.   The activated edema factor is able to generate a small messenger chemical widely used within cells, synthesizing it a thousand times as fast as the cell itself does.

47.   The encryption Netscape uses within the United States is much stronger than the encryption in the software it exports.

48.   The irradiated charge had to be used within a week.

49.   The latter three should be used within a year.

v. + within >>共 790
stay 3.03%
expect 3.01%
die 2.64%
work 2.49%
complete 2.33%
hold 1.98%
live 1.92%
occur 1.78%
operate 1.67%
begin 1.61%
use 0.63%
use + p. >>共 73
in 33.32%
for 24.19%
as 17.42%
to 7.98%
on 4.26%
against 2.33%
at 2.15%
with 1.66%
during 1.10%
by 0.88%
within 0.20%
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