stay within 24.42   I stay within the rules.
  expect within 24.29   That is expected within weeks.
  die within 21.26   He died within hours.
  work within 20.08   I am working within it.
  complete within 18.83   The project was completed within budget.
  hold within 16.00   An election can be held within three weeks.
  live within 15.47   I live within a mile of here.
  occur within 14.35   Death can occur within a week.
  operate within 13.43   Wells operate within Mobile Bay.
  begin within 12.97   Symptoms begin within a week.
  close within 12.84   The Falcons closed within three.
  remain within 12.84   Some remained within the rough sketchbook format.
  make within 10.47   Other stops are made within the park.
  pull within 10.14   The Lakers used foul shots to pull within five.
  get within 10.07   Nobody got within two shots again.
  lie within 9.87   The answer lies within.
  release within 9.02   Most are released within days.
  decide within 8.56   Owens said he would decide within a week.
  announce within 8.23   He ruled out announcing them within days.
  act within 8.16   He has acted within his authority.
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