41.   Companies known to have used this approach, according to Smith, are Barnes and Noble, eToys and Microsoft.

42.   Doctors across the country use both approaches, and the new data may cause those who support concurrent therapy to switch to sequential.

43.   For homes, however, different approaches are used.

44.   Genzyme and Schering are using that approach to try to stimulate the growth of blood vessels in the heart.

45.   He once again defended his policing policies and said places that used other approaches like community policing had had recent spikes in crime.

46.   Her major sponsor is a Canadian charity called Cancer Victors, which encourages sufferers to use alternative approaches to fight the disease.

47.   Hohenhaus said that one woman used this approach to rescue her cat, who had inhaled instead of swallowing a pill and then was unable to breathe.

48.   I have used that approach too often in my own family and can testify that it finally does more harm than good.

49.   I should use that approach all the time.

50.   If you still find resistance, tell him that you would like to use your approach on a trial basis in tandem with whatever approach is already in place.

v. + approach >>共 513
take 9.45%
change 5.19%
use 4.57%
make 3.64%
try 3.41%
adopt 2.79%
reject 2.63%
have 1.59%
defend 1.51%
support 1.43%
use + n. >>共 1468
money 3.08%
force 2.34%
technology 1.42%
drug 1.21%
name 1.17%
computer 1.08%
fund 1.06%
proceeds 0.84%
information 0.74%
method 0.72%
approach 0.13%
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