41.   For now, the deposed king spends his time reading literature and history in French, tending his garden and receiving frequent visitors, according to the spokesman.

42.   Grandparents Mariya and Anatoliy Solodyankin come during the day to care for the two youngest children, tend the garden and do household chores.

43.   Gripping the iron bars of the window, the two presidents looked out at the courtyard where Mandela tended a garden and exercised one hour a day.

44.   Gripping the window bars, Clinton looked out on the high-walled courtyard where Mandela once tended a garden and hid the handwritten notes that became his autobiography.

45.   Grown-ups mow their lawns or tend gardens while tourists stroll by.

46.   Many residents returned Saturday morning to feed their cattle and tend their gardens, but are expected to spend the night again in the shelters.

47.   Rapes, particularly gang rapes, were increasing according to police, with women now being advised not to tend village gardens alone.

48.   Soldiers tend the garden, irrigated with a pump from an adjacent well.

49.   The Farm Cottage offers girls the opportunity to learn about such income- generation activities as raising fish, pigs and chickens and tending vegetable gardens.

50.   The sun glinted on the tin roof of a minaret below where villagers went about their daily chores and tended their gardens.

v. + garden >>共 309
tend 6.04%
have 5.40%
plant 4.98%
design 3.50%
create 3.18%
overlook 2.86%
visit 2.44%
weed 1.91%
water 1.91%
start 1.59%
tend + n. >>共 173
garden 13.07%
field 5.05%
cattle 3.21%
crop 2.75%
flock 2.52%
livestock 2.29%
child 2.06%
sheep 2.06%
animal 1.83%
bar 1.83%
每页显示:    共 57