1.   A scout discovered the youth tending his flock.

2.   A shepherd tends flocks of goats.

3.   But others, too, tend far-flung flocks.

4.   Central Mongolia offers vast rolling steppes sprinkled with nomadic herders, who tend great flocks of sheep around conical fur tents, or yurts.

5.   Eighteen Palestinians were arrested, including several shepherds who tend their flocks in the rugged hillsides where thin patches of grass sprout among the rocks.

6.   Her flock is tended by three shepherds from Macedonia, immigrants whom she credits with saving the farm since Italians are no longer willing to do the work.

7.   Instead of playing pool in a local pub, Con tends a flock of pigeons in an abandoned building near his home.

8.   In Jerusalem, the Scots Memorial Church holds a Christmas Eve observance called the Watch-Night service, after the shepherds who tended their flocks.

9.   Some scholars say Jesus Christ was actually born in the spring, when shepherds tended their flocks.

10.   Throughout his pontificate he has faithfully tended his flock, visiting parishes throughout the city.

v. + flock >>共 131
tend 4.64%
keep 4.22%
see 4.22%
lead 3.80%
have 2.95%
attract 2.95%
bring 2.95%
watch 2.11%
guard 2.11%
herd 1.69%
tend + n. >>共 173
garden 13.07%
field 5.05%
cattle 3.21%
crop 2.75%
flock 2.52%
livestock 2.29%
child 2.06%
sheep 2.06%
animal 1.83%
bar 1.83%
每页显示:    共 11