41.   The price of gold, still a reliable indicator here of fears of instability, shot up eight percent amid question marks over how far the repercussions could extend.

42.   Without specifically mentioning the Fed meeting, Tyson said inflation appears under control, adding that recent rises in certain commodity prices were not reliable economic indicators.

43.   Retail market prices are higher and thought to be a more reliable indicator of the impact of inflation on consumers.

44.   The average is considered a more reliable indicator of the employment market than the weekly figures.

45.   The average is considered a more reliable indicator of the employment market.

46.   The figures from the Istat statistical office were based on price trends in nine cities and is regarded as a reliable indicator.

a. + indicator >>共 309
economic 18.90%
broader 15.12%
stock 11.80%
leading 6.42%
key 5.81%
good 2.85%
important 2.60%
reliable 1.66%
better 1.55%
recent 1.55%
reliable + n. >>共 657
source 16.50%
information 4.55%
figure 2.73%
way 2.69%
statistic 2.10%
estimate 2.02%
datum 1.82%
indicator 1.82%
test 1.82%
report 1.27%
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