economic indicator 34.50   Economic indicators point in all directions.
  broader indicator 27.58   Broader indicators also fell.
  stock indicator 21.53   Broader stock indicators rose.
  leading indicator 11.72   It was hardly the typical leading indicator.
  key indicator 10.60   Direct investment is a key economic indicator.
  good indicator 5.20   Next week will be a good indicator.
  important indicator 4.74   Birds can be an important environmental indicator.
  reliable indicator 3.03   The figures used are not always reliable indicators.
  better indicator 2.83   What better indicator of excellent schools?
  recent indicator 2.83   Recent economic indicators point up that optimism.
  major indicator 2.57   Other major indicators dropped too.
  best indicator 2.30   Time will be the best indicator.
  early indicator 2.17   Early indicators are hopeful.
  lagging indicator 1.97   For one, inflation is a lagging indicator.
  positive indicator 1.51   Is that a positive indicator?
  strong indicator 1.32   The prizes are seen as a strong indicator of the Academy Awards.
  watched indicator 1.18   The number is a closely watched indicator of external demand.
  financial indicator 1.05   Several financial indicators are worrying them.
  main indicator 1.05   All the main economic indicators suggest that trade is improving.
  technical indicator 0.99   A. I am worried about more deterioration in technical indicators like the advance-decline line.
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