41.   Other proposals could include the establishment of a new policy bank to take more of the bad debt off the books of commercial banks.

42.   Other proposals include establishing a national museum devoted to the history of slavery and offering unlimited college scholarships to blacks.

43.   Other proposals included deals that would have been far more dilutive to shareholders, he said.

44.   Other proposals include making states better report spending of welfare money.

45.   Other proposals include creating a resident patrol program, establishing an anonymous tip line and tough enforcement of a policy to evict felons and drug dealers.

46.   Other proposals include more tax deductions for home-buyers, a review of zoning laws and a reduction in the paperwork necessary to report transactions.

47.   Other proposals include renationalizing banks and stock markets and resurrecting the Soviet state planning agency Gosplan.

48.   Pending proposals include a White House conference, a Presidential Blue Ribbon Commission, and a series of town meetings devoted to discussions of race relations.

49.   Plus, the previous proposal did not include a cap on debt payment.

50.   Preliminary proposals had included reducing in-patient beds and consolidating nursing home beds at the hospitals.

n. + include >>共 1161
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