1.   Although many of the details will have to be filled in by other congressional committees, the proposal gives Congress a clear blueprint for action.

2.   Barak said the proposal would give Palestinians additional West Bank territory, demarcate borders and establish security arrangements.

3.   Barak says the proposal would give Palestinians additional West Bank territory, demarcate borders and establish security arrangements.

4.   But his proposal would give lawmakers a few more years to make politically wrenching decisions on where to build the next generation of submarines.

5.   But many tax experts say the Clinton proposals give Wall Street a lot of wiggle room.

6.   But the Russian proposal does not give the United Nations free access even to the eight sites that the team would be able to search.

7.   But Wofford said his proposal would simply give states and consumers six or seven choices, including managed care and private insurer options.

8.   By letting stations trade requirements, they added, the proposal would give broadcasters considerable new flexibility.

9.   Democrats complained that the Norwood proposal would give HMOs an unfair advantage in court.

10.   Democrats say Republican tax-cut proposals give the rich gargantuan tax reductions compared with those for everyone else.

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