41.   Garnish each dish with the remainder of the bacon and with additional orange zest, if desired.

42.   Garnish with the mango slices and reserved orange zest and serve.

43.   Gently toss in the thyme branches, orange zest, sugar and wine.

44.   Garnish with orange zest and parsley.

45.   Grated orange zest would risk rebellion in the family, so I used orange juice concentrate.

46.   Grind fennel seed coarsely in a coffee or spice grinder, and mix it with the rosemary and orange zest.

47.   Heat cream with orange zest, melt chocolate in cream and stir in liquor.

48.   I had roasted pork tenderloins with salt, coarse black pepper and delicate strands of orange zest.

49.   I melt the chocolate and mix it with melted butter, cinnamon, fleur de sel and candied orange zest.

50.   In a mixer fitted with a whisk, combine egg yolks, light brown sugar, honey, vanilla, orange zest and chopped orange confit.

a. + zest >>共 71
orange 47.64%
citrus 3.66%
grated 2.62%
new 2.09%
great 1.57%
same 1.57%
similar 1.57%
a 1.05%
fragrant 1.05%
old 1.05%
orange + n. >>共 763
juice 23.03%
peel 3.88%
zest 2.66%
grove 1.84%
tree 1.75%
glow 1.69%
flame 1.63%
slice 1.49%
jumpsuit 1.46%
march 1.31%
每页显示:    共 90