41.   The leader of the Orthodox Church of Greece will travel to Jerusalem on Wednesday as a sign of support to the local Greek patriarch, his office announced.

42.   The office announced this week that it would no longer review TV scripts prior to the shows being aired.

43.   The statistics office announces preliminary inflation figures before the end of each month.

44.   Tudjman announced his decision after meeting Sunday morning with U.N. Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali, whose office announced the breakthrough.

45.   Vajpayee was to have flown to Sydney on Wednesday night, but his office announced the trip was canceled.

46.   Workers are immediately barred from striking once the labor office announces that it will assume jurisdiction over any labor dispute.

47.   German Chancellor Helmut Kohl telephoned Russian President Boris Yeltsin on Friday to discuss the conflict in Chechnya, the presidential office here announced.

48.   German Foreign Minister Klaus Kinkel was expected in London Monday afternoon for discussions with his British counterpart Malcolm Rifkind, his office announced.

49.   His confirmation came on the same day that the labour office announced especially disappointing jobless figures for October.

50.   Irish President Mary Robinson will visit the United States next week, her office announced Wednesday.

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