1.   As he acknowledges, Donahue annoyed Norton in January, when his office announced the possibility of expanded oil exploration two days before her visit.

2.   But that changed on Wednesday, when his office announced a deal allowing the ratings plan to proceed.

3.   But Tuesday morning his office announced that he would delay his decision.

4.   Former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher is retiring from public life immediately for health reasons, her office announced Friday.

5.   His office announced the refusal in an early-morning statement issued after a newspaper disclosed he had received the summons in the mail on Tuesday.

6.   His press office announced on Monday that he was bedridden with a cold and would cancel all his appointments, but his spokesmen discounted the severity of his illness.

7.   His office announced the refusal in a brief predawn statement issued after a newspaper disclosed he had received the summons in the mail on Tuesday.

8.   His press office announced Monday that he was bedridden with a cold and would cancel all his appointments, but his spokesmen discounted the severity of his illness.

9.   On most days, the office announces fewer than a half-dozen identifications.

10.   Some downtown offices also have announced tighter security for the event, such as requiring all employees to use key cards.

n. + announce >>共 535
government 14.60%
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ministry 1.75%
administration 1.57%
team 1.44%
leader 1.37%
office 0.56%
office + v. >>共 716
be 18.08%
say 13.93%
have 5.34%
receive 2.58%
open 1.34%
close 1.29%
announce 1.00%
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