41.   Barbara Flemming, senior deputy prosecutor for King County, is handling the murder case.

42.   Benezet at first chats amiably about a high-profile murder case, then zeros in on Hearst as the prime suspect.

43.   Berman, who also tries murder cases, represented Brazill for about a week after the shooting until the Brazill family tapped attorney Robert Udell.

44.   Biggs declined comment on either the murder case or any investigation into Psytep until a news conference scheduled for this morning.

45.   Both sides used racial profiling to pick the jury in the murder case.

46.   Both Spina and Cowin said they support the use of the death penalty for first degree murder cases and said capital punishment is allowed under the state constitution.

47.   Bly probably would have been behind bars, authorities concede, had police and prosecutors not bungled evidence against him in an earlier murder case.

48.   Braun said if prosecutors lose this case, it will put more pressure on them to win the O.J. Simpson murder case.

49.   -- The disparities are concentrated among certain kinds of murder cases that account for perhaps one-fifth to one-fourth of the total.

50.   A carjacking murder case turns into a race-based media circus.

n. + case >>共 629
court 9.29%
murder 5.46%
corruption 3.53%
drug 2.58%
high-profile 2.33%
fraud 2.25%
abuse 2.10%
capital 1.92%
display 1.71%
rape 1.54%
murder + n. >>共 192
charge 30.58%
trial 13.37%
case 12.16%
weapon 5.72%
victim 4.41%
conviction 4.20%
scene 4.20%
investigation 3.14%
suspect 2.77%
rate 2.12%
每页显示:    共 582