1.   Abuse cases have ranged from insulting words to physical assaults.

2.   Media reports of child abuse cases often express this sense of moral outrage.

3.   The presbytery met in private to discuss the report, and the alleged child abuse cases in South Ronaldsay.

4.   Yet these were the methods that were used in the South Ronaldsay alleged child abuse case.

5.   This dilemma is particularly acute in sexual abuse cases where the evidence is often inconclusive.

6.   Social workers and doctors who wrongly diagnose sex abuse cases cannot be sued for their mistakes, the High Court ruled last week.

7.   An agency spokesman said child-welfare investigators do not routinely look at the criminal record of everyone involved with the child when investigating abuse cases.

8.   Animal abuse cases are on the rise in Mesa County.

9.   As a Dade County district attorney before becoming attorney general, Reno bought into the very problems surrounding investigation of child abuse cases, Lyon said.

10.   Blessing said the settlement does not affect the criminal prosecutions or abuse cases still under investigation by Child Protective Services.

n. + case >>共 629
court 9.29%
murder 5.46%
corruption 3.53%
drug 2.58%
high-profile 2.33%
fraud 2.25%
abuse 2.10%
capital 1.92%
display 1.71%
rape 1.54%
abuse + n. >>共 179
case 19.96%
scandal 11.27%
allegation 9.05%
charge 8.61%
victim 7.81%
complaint 2.93%
claim 2.66%
problem 2.31%
policy 2.04%
program 1.69%
每页显示:    共 224