41.   The attendees included representatives from California and a dozen city and county governments, investor-owned and municipal utilities, power generators and natural gas companies.

a. + utility >>共 408
electric 25.23%
local 4.57%
state 2.76%
the 2.36%
major 2.21%
municipal 2.06%
regional 1.86%
electrical 1.81%
regulated 1.56%
large 1.51%
municipal + n. >>共 503
election 16.43%
government 6.87%
official 5.44%
authority 4.38%
council 3.99%
worker 3.42%
building 2.70%
court 2.00%
service 1.94%
finance 1.87%
utility 1.06%
每页显示:    共 41