1.   Brazil has sold everything from rail lines and ports to mobile telecommunications licenses and several electrical utilities.

2.   BRAZILIAN stocks rose on expectations of rate increases for state-controlled electrical utilities and telephone companies.

3.   Brazil this year has sold everything from rail lines to mobile telecommunications licenses to several electrical utilities.

4.   Consumer groups and electric utilities square off at a public hearing on deregulating electrical utilities.

5.   Electrical utilities complain they are locked into expensive contracts with producers of renewable energy at a time when avoided cost projections have far exceeded actual market prices for energy.

6.   Electrical utilities are expected to be in a similar situation in a few years.

7.   Electrical utilities owned the only transmission lines.

8.   Expectations that the sale of state-controlled assets would continue as planned helped electrical utilities rise.

9.   Fairfax later worked as a consultant at Rocky Flats, an Energy Department facility near Denver, and is now with an electrical utility in Tullahoma, Tenn.

10.   If plutonium production is not halted, what are we do with an endless stream of plutonium electrical utilities and bombs.

a. + utility >>共 408
electric 25.23%
local 4.57%
state 2.76%
the 2.36%
major 2.21%
municipal 2.06%
regional 1.86%
electrical 1.81%
regulated 1.56%
large 1.51%
electrical + n. >>共 402
power 7.16%
equipment 5.85%
system 4.26%
appliance 4.05%
wire 3.72%
outlet 3.07%
wiring 3.04%
problem 2.76%
current 2.32%
charge 2.08%
utility 0.84%
每页显示:    共 36