41.   The incident marked the fourth time in a year that a cannery ship from an eastern country has run aground or experienced difficulties off the Scottish coast.

42.   The incident marks at least the third time that protagonists in the case have reported threats to their lives.

43.   The incident marked the first case of a US citizen being detained by Iraq at the border in nearly two years.

44.   The incident marked the second flare-up in three days.

45.   The incident marked the third attempt in the past week by armed smugglers to cross the border in the Pynagj region in southwest Tajikistan, the agency said.

46.   The incident marks the second flare-up in tensions in three days.

47.   The incident marked the fourth accident within a week involving military aircraft crashing during training exercises, the Anatolia news agency reported.

48.   The incident marks the second flare-up in three days.

49.   The latest incident marked a trend toward growing violence amid bolder efforts by Cubans to flee the island nation for the United States.

n. + mark >>共 1248
game 2.22%
move 1.73%
agreement 1.58%
case 1.53%
year 1.51%
decision 1.44%
announcement 1.41%
deal 1.22%
incident 1.19%
election 1.17%
incident + v. >>共 470
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occur 14.51%
take 5.90%
happen 5.44%
come 3.87%
begin 2.06%
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