41.   The Imperial Air Museum at Duxford, south of Cambridge, gives about a one-third discount.

42.   The only explicit assurance Ashcroft gave about the scope of the tribunals was that they would be used only for war crimes.

43.   The Norwegians also added to the growing list of contradictions among the reports Russian officials have given about the state of the sub and the rescue effort.

44.   The tobacco companies want the predictability that legislation would give them about how much money they will have to spend to settle legal claims in the years ahead.

45.   They gave him about a year.

46.   This was not, he quickly realized, the most prudent answer to give about the Islamic fundamentalists who control most of the country.

47.   What interests analysts more are any indications the company may give about recovery in the second half.

48.   Whether on or off the court, Willingham gives as much advice about outside activities as he gives about basketball.

49.   Also, few details were given about the rules for spending the aid money.

50.   Attorney Jack Martin pointed out discrepancies in statements Fulton County Deputy Aldranon English gave about the shooting.

v. + about >>共 655
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