41.   But danger lurks at the box office for the long-winded abstractions being presented by French directors at Cannes.

42.   Danger lurks in the military bases that the United States is giving up along the banks of the Panama Canal.

43.   Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan said Thursday that inflation dangers are lurking.

44.   He was cautiously optimistic about prospects for economic growth in the coming months, but dangers still lurk, he said.

45.   He was cautiously optimistic about prospects for economic growth in the coming months, but warned that dangers still lurk.

46.   Intellectuals may love them, but danger lurks at the box office for the long-winded abstractions being presented by French directors at Cannes.

47.   Of course, the danger always lurks that Americans are enjoying too much of a good thing.

48.   Yet now an even greater danger lurks.

49.   Defences were on top and, when danger lurked, neither team hesitated to pull down opponents with the leniency of Moroccan referee Mohamed Guezzaz encouraging them.

n. + lurk >>共 291
danger 10.27%
trouble 3.77%
evil 2.94%
problem 1.26%
monster 1.26%
surprise 1.05%
threat 1.05%
disaster 1.05%
temptation 1.05%
virus 1.05%
danger + v. >>共 145
be 72.33%
lie 2.67%
come 2.53%
lurk 2.34%
pass 1.86%
exist 1.77%
remain 1.53%
seem 0.95%
increase 0.52%
grow 0.52%
每页显示:    共 49