41.   Already feeling tender coming into Athens, her condition became even worse when a journalist accidentally pulled a chair from under her, hurting her back.

42.   And in the absence of strong leadership, IMF conditions would become even more difficult to meet.

43.   Boruchowitz argued that the conditions can become punitive, and in such cases should be allowed to challenge their confinement.

44.   But he said conditions might again become favorable for strengthening in the next day or two.

45.   But as conditions became more dangerous, she abandoned the cutting parodies in favor of more surreal images.

46.   But they asked NATO to draw up plans to escort the lightly armed peacekeepers if conditions become too dangerous.

47.   Conditions have become stable enough in the Serb portion of Bosnia to begin sending refugees from that area back home, German officials from one state said Friday.

48.   Conditions may become very choppy by Saturday afternoon.

49.   During the latter part of the period under review, market conditions in Asia became increasingly difficult as consumer confidence fell and the retail climate deteriorated.

50.   Environment would affect the economy, he added, because companies would not be able to send staff to Hong Kong if living conditions became unbearable.

n. + become >>共 1789
people 1.19%
company 1.07%
issue 0.77%
bill 0.69%
game 0.65%
situation 0.62%
woman 0.61%
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child 0.56%
condition 0.19%
condition + v. >>共 492
be 37.84%
improve 7.37%
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