41.   Age groups aside, all three companies are making concerted efforts to expand the popularity of home video games among casual users.

42.   Bush has been winning rave reviews from the news media and the public for his concerted effort to revive bipartisan communication after years of partisan bickering.

43.   Burns said the Clinton administration has not seen a concerted effort to combat narcotics trafficking within Columbia.

44.   But as familiar as these complaints are, they have not been matched by concerted efforts at political involvement or community organizing.

45.   But few, if any, firms have made a more concerted effort to develop a state-of-the-art technology infrastructure than Davis Polk.

46.   But for the second successive day, he staved off the concerted effort by Republicans to end his remarkable career as the best-known state legislative leader in the country.

47.   But he sees no hope for concerted effort when activists insist on defining their interests as narrowly as possible.

48.   But his concerted effort to get Americans to own up to racial injustices cannot be wrong.

49.   But I think a concerted effort on the part of the Mexican authorities on the issue of crime is something that would bring results.

50.   But excellence is achievable with enough concerted effort.

a. + effort >>共 805
diplomatic 4.27%
international 3.51%
concerted 1.94%
joint 1.85%
new 1.71%
lobbying 1.34%
best 1.26%
marketing 1.21%
similar 1.18%
fund-raising 1.06%
concerted + n. >>共 111
effort 50.37%
action 9.31%
intervention 6.50%
campaign 3.68%
attack 2.94%
pressure 2.82%
attempt 1.35%
push 1.23%
drive 1.10%
opposition 0.86%
每页显示:    共 409