41.   Government forces continued to push into Tamil rebel-held territory Saturday, a day after capturing a town in deadly combat, military officials said.

42.   Government forces captured the town two days ago, just as they were calling off their bloody offensive to capture a vital highway in the northern war zone.

43.   Government officials had earlier denied the rebel Revolutionary United Front had captured the town.

44.   Government forces recently captured the town.

45.   Government troops failed to capture the town Friday because they ran out of ammunition, the soldiers said.

46.   He said his units had initially punched through Bosnian Serb lines east of Bihac and captured several towns.

47.   He said his units had initially punched through Bosnian Serb lines east of Bihac and captured the towns of Bosanska Krupa, Bosanski Petrovac and Kljuc.

48.   In a furious battle with Tamil separatists, soldiers captured a town used by rebels as a major supply line in northern Sri Lanka, the military said Saturday.

49.   In a furious battle with Tamil separatists, soldiers captured a town the rebels used as a major supply line in northern Sri Lanka, the military said Saturday.

50.   In January, the SPLA mounted a major offensive against Wau and claimed to have captured the town.

v. + town >>共 658
leave 15.30%
enter 4.59%
capture 2.74%
attack 2.53%
flee 2.44%
hit 2.34%
shell 2.23%
take 2.18%
visit 1.94%
surround 1.87%
capture + n. >>共 1202
attention 4.41%
imagination 3.36%
image 2.39%
town 2.35%
man 1.75%
essence 1.59%
title 1.41%
soldier 1.29%
city 1.27%
rebel 1.23%
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