1.   Cameras have already captured the image.

2.   Capturing the image Photographs, however, are not such an easy matter.

3.   Every attempt to capture an image on film or on disk will ultimately fall short.

4.   Frequently used in discussions about scanners as a measure of their ability to capture halftone images.

5.   Hardware used to capture video images, process them, and send the digitised images to storage devices.

6.   Scanners capture images as a pattern of dots, changing the proportions can instantly turn an acceptable image into a complete mess!

7.   Their aim was to capture high-resolution images of the asteroid on the way down.

8.   Using this method, the input device is an optical scanner, which captures the image as a pixel representation.

9.   We will also require a slide scanning attachment to the camera capturing images for our image databases.

10.   The images were captured by TV crews filming outside the base.

v. + image >>共 982
create 2.75%
improve 2.68%
use 2.49%
project 2.41%
change 2.38%
tarnish 2.04%
capture 1.84%
have 1.76%
show 1.64%
produce 1.58%
capture + n. >>共 1202
attention 4.41%
imagination 3.36%
image 2.39%
town 2.35%
man 1.75%
essence 1.59%
title 1.41%
soldier 1.29%
city 1.27%
rebel 1.23%
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