41.   Among those who support the ban are Richard Gephardt and David Bonior.

42.   An outright ban is one of three options contained in the bill to be put before Parliament.

43.   And even then, the ban was only temporary, she said.

44.   And there is no ban on outside employment, even for committee chairmen like Burke.

45.   Apparently, the Iraqis think that the ban on Americans is negotiable.

46.   As the Republican Party gears up once again to try to retain its House majority in November, the Gingrich travel ban has been relaxed.

47.   At root, a ban on abortion is a repudiation of conservatism, or at least that conservatism which tells government to bug out.

48.   At the heart of the bill is a ban on soft money, the unlimited donations that can be made to political parties by corporations, unions and individuals.

49.   At the heart of the bill is the ban on soft money.

50.   Atlhough she knew her two-year ban would be up this summer anyway, she has not been training for competition.

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