41.   Anxious parents and other family members gathered outside the center waiting for word of missing loved ones.

42.   Emergency officials have been inundated with calls from anxious parents.

43.   Every hour, TV and radio stations broadcasted telephone hot-line numbers for parents anxious to find their missing children.

44.   If nothing else, they have cut down on the number of phone calls from anxious parents.

45.   It takes a certain touch to comfort anxious parents who bring their offspring to the shrine cherished by scholars, hoping to bring them success with their examinations.

46.   Looking on the side were anxious parents giving quick tips and helping to get fresh water supply for those using watercolours to paint their drawings.

47.   Parents anxious for the government to hire new teachers to teach the Basque language occupied a school Tuesday for the second straight day to highlight their demand.

48.   Previously the decision on whether the students had to attend classes was left to anxious parents and schools.

49.   The National Rifles Association will have survived, once again, maybe even have attracted some extra members from among some very anxious parents.

50.   The rest of the bodies were retrieved Saturday morning, and anxious parents and relatives streamed to the lake Saturday to inquire on the fate of their children.

a. + parent >>共 1215
foster 5.30%
single 4.87%
adoptive 4.11%
working 3.13%
new 2.41%
biological 2.32%
elderly 2.26%
prospective 1.60%
worried 1.31%
corporate 1.23%
anxious 0.86%
anxious + n. >>共 321
moment 10.80%
relative 5.70%
parent 5.10%
investor 2.50%
people 2.30%
time 2.00%
day 1.80%
fan 1.50%
wait 1.40%
resident 1.30%
每页显示:    共 51