1.   Charles Booth argued, probably correctly, that old age pensions would encourage children to take in elderly parents.

2.   Deciding whether to put an elderly parent in a nursing home is a common dilemma.

3.   He blamed his shyness and gauche manner on his upbringing, as the only child of elderly parents.

4.   How can you help your elderly parent reduce the risks?

5.   Ianthe was the only child of elderly parents, who seemed to be a whole generation removed from those of her contemporaries.

6.   If you find this happening to your elderly parent, try to help her to reorganise her eating habits.

7.   It was awkward having two elderly parents.

8.   Only ten refer - usually more briefly - to their elderly parents, and only eight to their own ageing.

9.   People are becoming increasingly faced with having some responsibility for the care of their elderly parents or relatives.

10.   She had elderly parents who could no longer live independently.

a. + parent >>共 1215
foster 5.30%
single 4.87%
adoptive 4.11%
working 3.13%
new 2.41%
biological 2.32%
elderly 2.26%
prospective 1.60%
worried 1.31%
corporate 1.23%
elderly + n. >>共 466
people 19.08%
woman 16.89%
man 13.10%
couple 4.47%
patient 3.26%
resident 2.87%
parent 2.85%
relative 1.53%
population 1.51%
mother 1.45%
每页显示:    共 133