41.   French newspaper Le Monde said the government and Renault have agreed to appoint a management consultant to examine whether there are alternative ways to make cost cuts.

42.   Form crumbles, unexpected heroes emerge, and the stars who deal best with it, who create alternative ways to contribute, go home with the hardware.

43.   For those with more money than time, there is an alternative way to see the falls.

44.   Hatch repeated today that he is open to alternative ways to fund the Kennedy-Hatch legislation.

45.   I have found that active copers tend to look for options, alternative ways of solving their problems.

46.   If you think about it, treatment and prognosis are alternative ways that doctors can cope with illness.

47.   If security considerations do not permit an end to this economic strangulation, Israel should consider alternative ways of helping to revive the Palestinian economy.

48.   In response, the computer industry is increasingly relying on alternative ways to get help to users.

49.   In that Congress is not going to appropriate the money necessary for a very expensive proposition, we need to look at alternative ways.

50.   In the letter he scribbled a staff and notes offering an alternative way of fitting the text to the melody in that phrase.

a. + way >>共 634
only 8.78%
same 8.61%
long 7.68%
best 7.12%
different 4.15%
new 4.09%
the 1.98%
better 1.69%
wrong 1.58%
good 1.45%
alternative 0.28%
alternative + n. >>共 861
medicine 3.93%
source 3.24%
tax 2.97%
energy 2.82%
route 2.78%
fuel 2.41%
plan 2.15%
way 2.11%
site 2.00%
treatment 1.95%
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