1.   Cardinal Lienart of Lille proposed an alternative plan.

2.   If you devise your item for a specific number e.g. divisible by two or four, have an alternative plan in case someone falls sick.

3.   Following the ruling, the Administration announced its own alternative plans for protecting the owl.

4.   Relatives say the care and dedication of staff at Thornton Lodge Hospital, Wensleydale, cannot be replaced by alternative plans.

5.   Alternative plans are being considered which may have been discussed unofficially with the Scottish Office and the Office of Fair Trading to find out if they are acceptable.

6.   An alternative plan would be to lease the building to several users, he said.

7.   Arbor, the former exchange chairman, has an alternative plan.

8.   Architects and broadcast engineers hired by the garden drew up alternative plans, most recently a transmission structure resembling a flag pole.

9.   Arguments and alternative plans have sprung up throughout the summer, and the Rangers seem drastically affected by each new proposal.

10.   As expected, New Jersey let out a protesting yelp and Brooklyn prepared alternative plans and protective lawsuits to block more garbage flowing into their respective areas.

a. + plan >>共 989
new 5.97%
immediate 3.68%
contingency 3.24%
restructuring 2.80%
economic 1.98%
republican 1.92%
such 1.78%
original 1.74%
ambitious 1.74%
spending 1.60%
alternative 0.59%
alternative + n. >>共 861
medicine 3.93%
source 3.24%
tax 2.97%
energy 2.82%
route 2.78%
fuel 2.41%
plan 2.15%
way 2.11%
site 2.00%
treatment 1.95%
每页显示:    共 115