41.   For Lancaster County, the action plan is pitched well above the material plane.

42.   For these critics of international aid, dangers lie in the Cairo action plan.

43.   Group officials issued a challenge to states last fall, asking them to submit specific five-year action plans for dealing with the gap.

44.   Have an action plan in place.

45.   He lays out an action plan.

46.   Her plan would require detailed assessments of water conditions in every state within two to three years, as well as an equally detailed action plan.

47.   If the concept of party members uniting behind a written action plan sounds familiar, it should.

48.   In December, the EPA will come out with a mercury action plan postponed two years by a disbelieving Congress.

49.   In Philadelphia, the superintendent negotiated with the teachers union before launching the action plan.

50.   In previous years, APEC summiteers have walked away with concrete schedules and individual action plans for liberalizing trade in specific areas.

n. + plan >>共 691
peace 10.16%
health 5.86%
business 2.76%
government 2.38%
pension 2.21%
retirement 2.19%
expansion 2.13%
budget 1.91%
action 1.82%
tax 1.71%
action + n. >>共 391
plan 19.29%
figure 9.22%
movie 7.18%
film 6.03%
hero 4.08%
sequence 3.68%
scene 3.10%
group 2.71%
star 2.31%
game 1.82%
每页显示:    共 433