31.   The suit alleges that the same group of banks control both Visa and MasterCard, thwarting competition between the two networks.

v. + competition >>共 722
face 17.25%
have 4.07%
increase 3.82%
win 2.21%
promote 2.16%
stifle 1.85%
reduce 1.82%
hold 1.79%
create 1.49%
enter 1.43%
thwart 0.51%
thwart + n. >>共 430
effort 10.45%
attempt 6.86%
attack 4.31%
plan 4.07%
competition 2.47%
investigation 1.44%
plot 1.44%
will 1.12%
terrorism 1.04%
terrorist 0.96%
每页显示:    共 31