31.   But despite the attacks and counter-claims, economists forecast tax rises after the election whatever the colour of the next government.

32.   But, encouragingly, wines, beers and spirits will see no tax rises, in an effort to stop Britons crossing the Channel for cheaper French products.

33.   But, encouragingly, wines, beers and spirits will see no tax rises, perhaps in an effort to stop Britons crossing the Channel for cheaper French products.

34.   Saddam called for a halt to new development projects and tax rises.

35.   The consumption tax rises from three percent to five percent next Tuesday.

36.   The influential business and political weekly, The Economist, even said in an editorial in its latest edition that Clarke should be announcing tax rises, not cuts.

n. + rise >>共 498
stock 17.07%
price 14.46%
dollar 4.79%
share 4.14%
bond 3.74%
future 2.95%
rate 2.65%
cost 1.59%
tension 1.56%
sale 1.40%
tax 0.15%
tax + v. >>共 362
be 29.35%
cut 10.03%
break 6.03%
go 3.65%
have 2.19%
pay 1.69%
apply 1.65%
make 1.42%
rise 1.38%
help 1.27%
每页显示:    共 36