31.   He said his government had fulfilled recommendations of the local Electoral Advisory Committee and had committed sufficient resources to support electoral reform.

32.   Its vice-chancellor Tan Sri Abdullah Sanusi Ahmad said such a legacy would ensure the university had sufficient financial resources for its physical and educational development.

33.   Over the long term, the department should have a mechanism to ensure the companies put in sufficient resources.

34.   Thailand is continuing to gain export competitiveness with small capital goods because it has sufficient resources and low production costs.

35.   Stricter criteria must be applied to the implementation of projects, so that only extremely urgent projects and those with sufficient resources can be carried out.

36.   The International Monetary Fund has sufficient resources to cope with the Asian financial crisis, U.S. officials say Saturday.

37.   The result is the earliest possible time at which the project may be finished, granted there are sufficient resources and everything goes like clockwork.

38.   This indicates that government organisations will have sufficient resources to fix only a quarter of their existing computer systems.

39.   He is helped by a young vet who has sufficient resources to handle autopsies, but not enough to treat or fight against disease.

40.   However, Kudrin denied the need for more IMF loans, saying that Russia had sufficient resources to stay within its budget.

a. + resource >>共 751
financial 7.31%
human 5.72%
limited 5.16%
scarce 3.17%
available 3.13%
mineral 2.37%
valuable 1.91%
additional 1.71%
vast 1.62%
national 1.31%
sufficient 1.09%
sufficient + n. >>共 738
evidence 11.02%
number 3.24%
fund 2.94%
time 2.94%
support 2.34%
supply 2.07%
information 2.07%
resource 1.64%
reason 1.57%
quantity 1.40%
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