31.   Sound from Ed Abington, US Consul General, and Yasser Arafat.

32.   Taking off their hats, Russian sailors dropped to one knee in the snow, as a long, low horn of farewell sounded from warships in the harbor.

33.   The latest warning was sounded from Turkey last month when the Greek Cypriot government announced plans to deploy Russian-made rockets.

34.   Then church bells tolled, and the call to funeral prayers sounded from mosques.

35.   A peacekeeper who arrived at Mamba Point in an ECOMOG truck said the shooting sounded from the BTC.

36.   Medical orderlies at the Kosevo hospital, wearing blood stained white overcoats, coped with a constant flow of injured as loud explosions sounded from the city centre.

v. + from >>共 1015
learn 3.51%
make 3.43%
die 3.01%
ban 2.92%
hang 1.50%
profit 1.45%
shy_away 1.36%
disappear 1.35%
report 1.33%
watch 1.22%
sound 0.04%
sound + p. >>共 61
like 79.66%
in 5.26%
to 2.06%
on 1.71%
at 1.45%
for 1.32%
as 1.20%
of 0.88%
from 0.73%
about 0.65%
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