sound like 257.34   He sounds like a real jerk.
  sound in 16.98   He sounded in a panic.
  sound to 6.65   Sound to good to be true?
  sound on 5.53   Do I sound down on Rothko?
  sound at 4.67   At first it sounds insane.
  sound for 4.28   The buzzer sounds for us all.
  sound as 3.88   As fundamentally sound as George Karl.
  sound of 2.83   Sound of freedom.
  sound from 2.37   Sound from Chirac and Assad.
  sound about 2.11   Sounds about right.
  sound throughout 1.71   Alarms sound throughout the snowy shipyard.
  sound with 1.38   The buzzer sounded with Anthony trying to make a pass on his back.
  sound across 1.32   A hum of agreement sounded across the room.
  sound over 1.32   Wailing music sounded over the loudspeakers.
  sound during 0.92   One reason is that during elections candidates sound alike on many issues.
  sound through 0.86   A single, high note sounds through the silent darkness.
  sound after 0.79   In Belgrade, too, air-raid sirens sounded after dark.
  sound off 0.72   If some of his ideas sound off the wall, some are truly out there.
  sound unlike 0.66   The Herbal Pantry sounds unlike any other place in the Valley.
  sound like_in 0.46   What I sound like in class?
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