31.   A final ruling is still months away.

32.   A high-court ruling could be worth hundreds of millions of dollars to companies and to federal taxpayers.

33.   A final ruling could be up to two years away.

34.   A final ruling is due this spring.

35.   A final ruling by Ruthardt was the outcome of a tug of war between employers and the industry.

36.   A nationally recognized expert in First Amendment issues said the ruling was not a surprise.

37.   A ruling also is imminent on another Consumers Union petition that asks the agency to find rollover defects in the Trooper and SLX and demand their recall.

38.   A ruling is due by the end of June.

39.   A ruling is due this month, but there is a growing feeling in Indonesia that the battle is already won.

40.   A ruling is likely early next year.

n. + be >>共 1635
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question 0.56%
official 0.55%
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issue 0.48%
ruling 0.05%
ruling + v. >>共 501
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come 6.60%
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say 2.18%
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