31.   A broader debate centers on whether recidivism rates among sex offenders justify the harsh spotlight of the new law.

32.   A district fund that rewards schools with a low absentee rate among teachers will pay for the rest of the computer lab.

33.   A high attrition rate among naturalization employees in the New York district has meant lost and sometimes forgotten files.

34.   A high dollar also attracted hundreds of billions of dollars in investment to compensate for the low savings rate among Americans.

35.   A new study of mortality rates among patients undergoing carotid endarterectomy, a common stroke-preventing operation, makes this cautionary point.

36.   A rising default rate among speculative-grade corporate issuers certainly does not help.

37.   Ad sales figures also are obtained through clients, who often reveal rates among competitors.

38.   According to the National Hemophilia Foundation, the co-infection rate among HIV-positive hemophiliacs is equally high.

39.   Across all ethnic groups, unemployment among younger workers tends to be much higher than the rate among older adults.

40.   All these lapses, the panel believes, contribute to higher death rates and lower survival rates among minorities compared with whites suffering from illnesses of comparable severity.

n. + among >>共 1306
support 2.52%
concern 2.29%
competition 1.72%
debate 1.01%
casualty 0.99%
difference 0.97%
fear 0.96%
cooperation 0.94%
chief 0.92%
rate 0.81%
rate + p. >>共 91
in 22.46%
for 21.97%
on 9.54%
than 6.96%
at 4.92%
by 4.70%
to 4.41%
among 3.84%
as 3.59%
from 2.11%
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