31.   According to a senior official of the Zambian Department of Tourism, an ivory auction is to be held in Gaborone, the capital of Botswana.

32.   According to officials of the Brazilian National Indian Affairs Institute, the massacre occurred in Roraima state, near the Venezuelan border.

33.   Officials of Cirencester Festival do know Mr Calvert.

34.   Former officials of Thames and Chilterns are lying low.

35.   Officials of the club and the Legion branch were present at a special ceremony to hand over a certificate of appreciation for their kindness.

36.   Finally, the word went around that far from being either Jewish or Catholic, Mr Kernohan was a high official of the Orange Order.

37.   Officials of the Greenock Waterfront Heritage Association claim that the land around the dock has parliamentary protection.

38.   Officials of the Association hope a new deal can be introduced to stop a trickle of officials leaving the game becoming a flood.

39.   On his own right there was an empty place, no doubt to be filled by some trusted official of the household.

40.   BR managers resisted probing by ministry officials of why a particular service operated in a particular way.

n. + of >>共 1368
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hundred 1.22%
most 1.18%
group 0.86%
series 0.84%
use 0.80%
head 0.77%
sign 0.72%
side 0.70%
official 0.19%
official + p. >>共 67
in 29.76%
at 15.52%
of 13.49%
from 13.01%
on 6.57%
with 3.98%
for 3.51%
as 3.46%
to 1.80%
about 1.51%
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